What title block design would be the best option for a RnB music magazine?

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Audience Questionnaire and Results

The question ‘what gender are you’ has given me the information that I shouldn’t produce my magazine towards a specific gender as there have equal amounts of responses from both males and females. Producing my magazine this way will increase my target audience and allow both males and females to read my magazine.

From this question, I can design my magazine towards a specific music genre. For example, RnB, Rock and Indie were the 3 popular music genres that my respondents listened to. Using this information, I will include articles and stories that involve artists from within these music genres. However, it doesn’t mean that I can’t use any of the other genres as the options that I had given are popular music genres and none of my respondents had selected the ‘other’ option which means these genres are popular within my respondents.
‘Social media’ was the popular option from my respondents. I can use this information in the contents of my magazine. Seeing as social media was the popular response, I can include a social media page which includes media sites such as Twitter, and include people’s tweets about the song they are currently hooked on or include tweets from artists letting their fans know about upcoming singles and albums.

Most people from my respondents don’t read music magazines but there was only a difference of two. I can use this information to attract readers to my magazine by making it more eye-catching and make sure there is something for everyone in the magazine. With more people not reading music magazines, I can at least produce my magazine on more platforms than a magazine. I can make my magazine accessible online and on an app as well.

Kerrang was the most popular music magazine read by my respondents. I have to make sure I include something for those who like the rock genre as Kerrang is a rock magazine which was the popular option and also rock was one of the top three music genres listened to by my respondents.

‘Artist on the front cover’ is what attracts my respondents to a magazine the most. I have to make sure that when I am designing my front cover, I have to include an artist(s) that is currently big in the charts or popular within the music industry or someone who is up and coming into the industry.
‘Free goods’ was also popular along with ‘design & layout’ so I have to enforce these options in the magazine somehow. E.g. if I was to put an up and coming artist on the front cover of the magazine, I could give the readers a free CD which would attract readers to reading my magazine and also promote the artist at the same time so they would have more of a listening/fan base.
The design & layout of my magazine must stand out to my audience and attract them to reading it. I have to make sure I don't go overboard with the colours and make sure the font is readable and doesn't cheapen my magazine.

A monthly issue was the most popular option from my respondents. So if I was to make my magazine a monthly issue I would have to include a lot of articles and stories, etc. to make sure that my readers keeping reading my magazine every month. 
However  a weekly issue was the second popular option and if I was to make my magazine a weekly issue, I would be able to include all the latest stories and trends which will keep my readers hooked onto my magazine, which will make them more eager to read my magazine every week.

£1-£2 and £2-£3 were the popular options but the price of the magazine will depend on how often the magazine would be released. If the magazine was to be a monthly issue, I would charge my readers around £3-£4. If the magazine was to be a weekly issue then I could charge my readers around £2-£3. The price would also depend on how much things would be included in the magazine. But also the price I end up making my magazine will have to coincide with my taget audience. As my target audience is between 16-24, I have to make it afforable as majority of them would be students and so wouldn't have the budget to afford paying more than £4 for an issue.

‘Interviews with artists’ was the popular option form my respondents. In order to find out what artists my readers would want to be interviewed, I would include a twitter account (which is one the popular social media sites currently) and allow the readers to tweet me their answers so I know who my readers like and so I don’t waste my time and their time with an interview people don’t want to know about.
Looking at the responses to the question, I think I would use all these options in the magazine as they seem to be wanted by the respondents and also enforcing these in my magazine will gain me more readers as there would be something for everybody.

Most of my respondents want the magazine to be accessed online which I would do so my magazine can be accessed on different platforms. Also, with my magazine being accessed online, it means that my audience will be getting the latest information in the music and won't have to wait weekly or monthly for the magazine issue.

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